
2025-02-13:Empty Cloud
2022-09-22:Workshop: Composing 3D music using SuperCollider and ambisonics
2022-02-10:Parallel processing in SuperCollider using SuperNova
2022-02-02:Neovim as a SuperCollider IDE
2021-03-18:Tutorial: How to write plugins for SuperCollider using C++
2021-03-03:Automatically build, compile and release SuperCollider plugins using Github Actions
2021-02-06:A midi controller in a box of screws
2020-11-13:Helpful SuperCollider plugin macros
2020-11-09:Esp32 Simple Osc Receiver
2020-10-21:Working with 14bit Midi using a Teensy microcontroller and Supercollider
2020-05-03:Networked audio using Raspberry Pi 4 (zita-njbridge and SuperCollider)
2020-04-30:Notes for setting up a Raspberry Pi 4 for audio work
2020-04-30:Awesome SuperCollider: A curated list
2020-01-23:SuperCollider workshop at Notam, january 2020: Algorithmic composition using patterns
2019-11-06:Pattern workshop, Herlev Bibliotek 2019
2019-10-18:How to change the default synth in SuperCollider
2019-09-01:Introduction to SuperCollider, Notam 2019
2019-08-19:SuperCollider tutorial: Mass producing SynthDefs
2019-08-05:SuperCollider tutorial: Easily render generative compositions as sound files using NRT