September 1, 2019
Here you will find the material for the introductory workshop held at Notam, Oslo in late summer 2019.
The slides may be used as a sort of cheatsheet as well as notes for remembering the topics covered:
• An overview: What is SuperCollider and what can you do with it?
• The design and architecture of SuperCollider
• Language basics: syntax, variables, expressions and functions
• Learning resources: How to proceed from here
about me
Who am I?
- Mads Kjeldgaard
- Composer & developer
- Work at NOTAM
Contact info
- website:
- github:
- email:
Short history of SuperCollider
SC was designed by James McCartney as closed source proprietary software
Version 1 came out in 1996 based on a Max object called Pyrite. Cost 250$+shipping and could only run on PowerMacs.
Became free open source software in 2002 and is now cross platform.
When you download SuperCollider, you get an application that consists of 3 separate programs:
- The IDE, a smart text editor
- The SuperCollider language (sclang)
- The SuperCollider sound server (scsynth)
The client (language and interpreter) communicates with the server (signal processing)
This happens over the network using Open Sound Control
Multiple servers
This modular / networked design means one client can control many servers
Consequences of this modular design
Each of SuperCollider’s components are replacable
IDE <—> Atom, Vim, or Visual Studio
language <—> Python, CLisp, Javascript
server <—> Max/MSP, Ableton Live, Reaper
Syntax, strings and variables
Hello world
Use .postln
to post something to the post window (important when
"Hello world".postln
An important point on numbers in SC
As opposed to mathematical convention: there is no hierarchy between operators
If you pick up a calculator and type 2+2*10
the result is probably
Because normally there is an implicit parenthesis here: 2+(2*10)
This isn’t the case in SuperCollider:
-> 40
Using brackets to create mathematical hiararchy
SC looks at the first part (2+2
) and calculates it, then multiplies it
Therefore: Always use parenthesis when you need mathematical hierarchy:
-> 22
Like with any other programming language, correct syntax is important.
When you get it wrong, the interpreter will give you an error (and thus help you solve your problem)
If for example I wanted to write 9.cubed
but accidentally wrote
and evaluated it, I would get the following error
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected NAME, expecting $end
in interpreted text
line 1 char 6:
ERROR: Command line parse failed
-> nil
Brackets / parenthesis
encapsulates a block of code that is supposed to be executed
together ;
is used to mark the end of a statement
An example of a block:
a = 111+222+333;
b = 444+555+666;
c = 777+888+999;
a; // -> 666
b; // -> 1665
c; // -> 2664
The end of an expression is marked by a semicolon ;
SC will interpret everything up until the semicolon as one expression
Example: Two expressions
"hello".postln; "how are you?".postln;
This results in the following in the post window:
how are you?
-> how are you?
Receiver notation
A way of executing a function (message) on an object (receiver)
message(Receiver, argument)
same thing as rand(100)
same thing as postln("hello")
same thing as round(0.123, 0.1)
The interpreter doesn’t care about line breaks
a = [1,2,3,4];
Is the same as this:
a = [
As long as you use semicolons at the end of your expressions
can be used as single line comments:
// This comment is a one line comment
Or at the end of a line:
10+10; // This comment is at the end of a line
/* */
is used for multiline comments. Everything between these is
treated as a comment.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
SuperCollider is cool
and so are you
A string is marked by double quotes: "This is a string";
It is now a String object:
"This is a string".class
-> String
String concatenation
A common string operation is the concatenation of strings
This is done using the ++
"One" ++ "Two" ++ "Three";
-> OneTwoThree
A symbol can be written by surrounding characters by single quotes (may include whitespace):
'foo bar'
Or by a preceding backslash (then it may not include whitespace):
Why symbols
From the Symbol help file: "A symbol, like a String, is a sequence of characters.
Unlike strings, two symbols with exactly the same characters will be the exact same object."
Symbols are most often used to name things (like synthesizers, parameters or patterns)
Tip: Use symbols to name things, use strings for input and output.
A variable is a container that you can store data in:
var niceNumber = 123456789;
Variable names
Variable names must be written with a lowercase first letter.
Like this: var thisWorks
and not like this: var ThisDoesNotWork
Reserved keywords
Another limitation in naming variables: Reserved keywords
These are words used to identify specific things in SC: nil
, var
, false
, true
var var
-> nil
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected VAR,
expecting NAME or WHILE
in interpreted text
line 1 char 7:
var var
Local variables
Local to a block of code
Must be initialized at the top of the block
Environment variables
“Global” in scope, can be accessed throughout the environment
Don’t need a var
keyword in front of them when declared
Can be initiliazed at any point in the program
Writing environment variables
The letters a-z:
a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
The tilde (~) prefix
~array = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Demonstration of variable scope
// local variable
var array = [1,2,3];
// This works:
// This returns a "not defined" error:
When to use local variables
Use local variables as often as possible
For example when designing a system, writing the insides of functions, etc.
This will keep your code clean and make it easier for you to maintain
When to use environment variables
Use environment variables for interactive coding
For example when prototyping or live coding
Syntax shortcuts
SC allows the user to write code in different styles using different types of syntax.
The helpfiles “Syntax Shortcuts” and “Symbolic Notation” can be a big help when this becomes confusing
What is a function?
A function is a reusable encapsulation of functionality
Lets you reuse and call it elsewhere in your code
Repetitive code can often be simplified with functions
The core of the function is contained in curly brackets: {}
We declare a function like this. Note: This does not evaluate or activate the function yet:
-> a Function
A function is evaluated by sending it the .value
-> 4
Syntactic sugar
Tip: .value
can be omitted by just adding .()
like so:
{arg x, y; x+y}.(x:2, y:7)
, although .value
is usually clearer
Function arguments
Functions can take arguments (data) as input and do something with them.
Arguments must be declared in the beginning of the function.
To pass values to the arguments, open a parenthesis after .value
Here we have named the argument x
{arg x; 2+x}.value(x: 8)
-> 10
Alternatively, the argument name can be omitted (but then you have to know the order of arguments):
{arg x, y; x+y}.value(2, 8)
-> 10
You can call arguments by their names:
{arg x, y; x+y}.value(x:2, y:8)
-> 10
Mixing named and unnamed arguments
You can mix named and unnamed arguments but you must call the unnamed arguments at the end of the list
correct way:
{arg x=2, y; x+y}.value(2, y:8)
-> 10
incorrect way:
{arg x=2, y; x+y}.value(x:2, 8)
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected INTEGER, expecting ')' in interpreted text
Alternative argument syntax
Instead of writing arg argname1, argname2
you can put the arguments
inside pipe symbols:
f = {|x, y| x+y}
Argument default values
You can set the initial value of an argument when declaring it:
f = {|x=1, y=4| x+y}
Declaring multiple arguments or variables in one go
You can choose between declaring like this:
arg argument1, argument2, argument3;
Or like this:
arg argument1;
arg argument2;
arg argument3;
The same goes for local variables
Functions can be put in variables and reused
f = {arg x, y; x + y};
f.value(2,1000); // = 1002
f.value(9,22); // = 31
Function returns
All blocks of code in SC return the result of the last statement (in
both ()
and {}
This is useful for doing further computations
f = {arg x, y; x + y};
a = f.value(2,1000); // = 1002
b = f.value(9,22); // = 31
a+b; // = 1033
Learning resources
Tutorials by Eli Fieldsteel covering a range of subjects: - SuperCollider Tutorials
James McCartney (author of SuperCollider) giving a talk at IRCAM: - SuperCollider and Time
- Introduction to SuperCollider - Written by Andrea Valle, includes pdf. Published 2016.
- The SuperCollider Book – The essential reference. Edited by Scott Wilson, David Cottle and Nick Collins. Foreword by James McCartney. Published 2011.
- Thor Magnussons Scoring Sound - Cookbook containing synthesis recipes among other things
- Mapping and Visualization with SuperCollider - Create interactive and repsonsive audio-visual applications with SuperCollider
Awesome SuperCollider
A curated list of SuperCollider stuff
Find inspiration and more resources here:
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