Mads Kjeldgaard



Cover image for Verdenskværnen

Verdenskværnen (“The world grinder”) is a composition inspired by the Swedish author August Strindberg’s rambling, autobiographical novel “Inferno” (1898) as well as the sounds of gentrification.

It explores different ideas of sonic tactility in it’s sound material.

“The sun shines, everyday life proceeds on its usual course, the cheerful bustle of business raises the spirits. Then one feels rebellious, and challenges heaven with doubts. But when night, silence, and loneliness reign, the heart beats, and the breast suffers from constriction. Then one jumps out of window into a hedge of thorns, and humbly begs a physician for help (…) you are ground to powder, and think it is over. But no! You are brought again to the mill. Be thankful! That is hell upon earth, as Luther knew it, and reckoned it a special grace to be pulverised on this side of the grave.” - August Strindberg’s Inferno (1898)

The piece features self authored multichannel synthesis processes - including strange multichannel time stretch algorithms - and 3D field recordings from Oslo as well as studio experiments using 3D microphones, mechanical tools and different kinds of enclosures.

The piece world premiered at the Ny Musikk’s Composers Group concert in february 2020.