Mads Kjeldgaard

States of Emergency


Cover image for States of Emergency

“It began when a car exploded outside my window in Paris. Some guy had made a mistake while fixing his car or something and now his car and a car parked next to it were burning through the night while fire fighters were spraying water on it and bashing it with an axe to make the car horns stop.

This gave me the idea to write music exploring the idea of the state of emergency (in Danish: Undtagelsestilstand, which literally translates to ‘state of exception’) which was in effect at the time. I wanted to create my own sonic zones of suspension where all laws are foldable, perspectives may be modulated and time reversed in a deep, zen-like void.”

Two side-long computer music monoliths from Copenhagen’s Mads Kjeldgaard exploring a deeply unsettling sound world of elasticity and uncertainty. This is an absolute trip, a deeply physical work that drops you into the centre of a weightless maelstrom of unknowable and uncanny forces. Headphones very much recommended.

released July 30, 2018.

Made with TidalCycles, SuperCollider and Ableton Live.

Photography by Sofie Amalie Klougart

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