Mads Kjeldgaard

Singularity: Music for a dance performance


Cover image for Singularity: Music for a dance performance

I composed music for the dance performance “Singularity” by dance artists Roosna & Flak. The music is purely generative, meaning that at each performance, the code for the performance generates new versions of the music involved. The solo performer has sensors attached to their body to create interactivity in the sound universe.

See below for more information.


The solo dance performance Singularity is an invitation to meet the unknown in ourselves; to let images, thoughts and states arise, transform and dissolve — not knowing what will remain when we offer ourselves to ourselves.

The imagination space is entangled with the physical space. Contradicting states and statements are allowed to resonate without a need for resolution.

The performance is an opportunity to witness a dancer, an experiencer, a cyber-shaman, an interactive technology researcher, a storyteller, or an old friend — creating a space for making your own sense of what is happening within and around you.

Roosna & Flak deals with questions around the meaning of freedom and interconnectedness; how our perception of reality determines our sense-making and what we consider meaningful.

The piece is a part of Roosna & Flak’s ongoing research into interactive performance ecosystems, where the performer’s movements influence sound, light and video.


The piece premieres at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Tallinn, Estonia on October 14th, 2022. See this site for more information.

Snippets of music

Below you are able to hear snippets of some of the music composed for the piece.


  • Choreography: Külli Roosna and Kenneth Flak
  • Performance: Külli Roosna
  • Music: Mads Kjeldgaard
  • Interactive sound design: Kenneth Flak in collaboration with Külli Roosna
  • Interactive Video: Kenneth Flak in collaboration with Thomas Jourdan
  • Sensor programming: Kenneth Flak
  • Text: Külli Roosna
  • Light Design: Kenneth Flak in collaboration with Rommi Ruttas

Supported by Norwegian Arts Council, Nordic Culture Point, Estonian Cultural Capital and Kristiansand City.