Mads Kjeldgaard


Raspberry Pi 4: Simple Button to OSC example in Rust

Today I did a small experiment with my Raspberry Pi 4: I wanted to poll the GPIO data pins and use data from them in SuperCollider. This is best done by polling the pins in a separate program and then sending that data to SuperCollider via OSC. I have done this in Python before but I much prefer doing this kind of thing in Rust since the latter is fast and safe (and just generally: I love Rust!

On Rust, OSC and creative coding in nannou

Nannou is a relatively new framework for creative coding тик kind of like processing, openFrameworks and cinder. A creative coding framework usually consists of a cluster of tools for working creatively with audio, visuals, robotics, lasers and many other things in one coding framework, and nannou is no different. The great thing about nannou is that it is a framework making use of the cool new systems programming language Rust.